2024-6 | 2024-7 | 2024-8 2025-7 |
Sun | Mon | Tues | Wedne | Thurs | Fri | Satur |
2024 July 甲辰년 辛未월 |
心1 5.26丙寅 |
尾2 5.27丁卯 01:09 planet conjuction 17:15 planet conjuction |
箕3 5.28戊辰 05:21 stationary(start retrograde) 15:42 planet conjuction |
斗4 5.29己巳 |
牛5 5.30庚午 05:53 Aphelion |
女6 6.1辛未 07:54 New Moon 23:10 24-Hot |
虛7 6.2壬申 01:32 planet conjuction |
危8 6.3癸酉 05:37 planet conjuction |
室9 6.4甲戌 |
壁10 6.5乙亥 10:41 Perihelion |
奎11 6.6丙子 |
婁12 6.7丁丑 17:07 apogee |
胃13 6.8戊寅 07:33 descending node |
昴14 6.9己卯 06:06 first quarter |
畢15 6.10庚辰 23:41 planet conjuction |
觜16 6.11辛巳 |
參17 6.12壬午 15:29 Descending ecliptic |
井18 6.13癸未 |
鬼19 6.14甲申 |
柳20 6.15乙酉 |
星21 6.16丙戌 19:37 Full Moon |
張22 6.17丁亥 12:35 Greatest elongation(East) 16:36 24-Hotest |
翼23 6.18戊子 |
軫24 6.19己丑 14:30 perigee |
角25 6.20庚寅 08:02 planet conjuction |
亢26 6.21辛卯 02:22 planet conjuction 19:16 ascending node |
氐27 6.22壬辰 |
房28 6.23癸巳 00:30 Aphelion 14:35 last quarter |
心29 6.24甲午 |
尾30 6.25乙未 02:44 planet conjuction 19:41 planet conjuction |
箕31 6.26丙申 09:04 planet conjuction |
2024 July 甲辰년 辛未월 |
This month enter term=24-Hot 2024-07-06 23:48
This month mid term=24-Hotest 2024-07-22 17:10
Moon Orbit Information
New Moon | 2024-07-06 07:54 | JD=2460497.455 | MOON | 386990.09km(61) λ=104.397˚ dλ to node=-86.581˚ |
apogee | 2024-07-12 17:07 | JD=2460503.839 | MOON | 404356.38km(95) |
descending node | 2024-07-13 07:33 | JD=2460504.440 | MOON | λ=190.616˚ |
first quarter | 2024-07-14 06:06 | JD=2460505.380 | MOON | Moon λ=201.95˚, Sun λ=111.95˚, dλ=90.00˚ |
Full Moon | 2024-07-21 19:37 | JD=2460512.943 | MOON | 369882.19km(27) λ=299.166˚ dλ to node=-70.992˚ |
perigee | 2024-07-24 14:30 | JD=2460515.730 | MOON | 364943.26km(17) |
ascending node | 2024-07-26 19:16 | JD=2460517.928 | MOON | λ=9.896˚ |
last quarter | 2024-07-28 14:35 | JD=2460519.733 | MOON | Moon λ=35.65˚, Sun λ=125.65˚, dλ=270.00˚ |
Planets Events Information
planet conjuction | 2024-07-02 01:09 | JD=2460493.173 | MARS | MOON | dβ=-3.920˚ |
planet conjuction | 2024-07-02 17:15 | JD=2460493.844 | URANUS | MOON | dβ=-3.885˚ |
stationary(start retrograde) | 2024-07-03 05:21 | JD=2460494.348 | NEPTUNE | SUN | |
planet conjuction | 2024-07-03 15:42 | JD=2460494.780 | JUPITER | MOON | dβ=-5.048˚ |
planet conjuction | 2024-07-07 01:32 | JD=2460498.189 | VENUS | MOON | dβ=-3.939˚ |
planet conjuction | 2024-07-08 05:37 | JD=2460499.360 | MERCURY | MOON | dβ=-3.222˚ |
Perihelion | 2024-07-10 10:41 | JD=2460501.571 | VENUS | SUN | distance=0.718439AU |
planet conjuction | 2024-07-15 23:41 | JD=2460507.111 | URANUS | MARS | dβ=0.534˚ |
Descending ecliptic | 2024-07-17 15:29 | JD=2460508.771 | MERCURY | SUN | |
Greatest elongation(East) | 2024-07-22 12:35 | JD=2460513.650 | MERCURY | SUN | dλ=26.921˚ |
planet conjuction | 2024-07-25 08:02 | JD=2460516.460 | SATURN | MOON | dβ=-0.220˚ |
planet conjuction | 2024-07-26 02:22 | JD=2460517.224 | NEPTUNE | MOON | dβ=-0.391˚ |
Aphelion | 2024-07-28 00:30 | JD=2460519.146 | MERCURY | SUN | distance=0.466701AU |
planet conjuction | 2024-07-30 02:44 | JD=2460521.239 | URANUS | MOON | dβ=-4.039˚ |
planet conjuction | 2024-07-30 19:41 | JD=2460521.946 | MARS | MOON | dβ=-4.929˚ |
planet conjuction | 2024-07-31 09:04 | JD=2460522.503 | JUPITER | MOON | dβ=-5.348˚ |
Current Time : 2024-09-15 11:55:41 GMT+9.0H
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